Education Director Duties
ID: | E02-22.0 |
Type: | Governance |
Created: | 2011-02-01 |
Revised: | 2022-08-15 |
The official title of this position is Youth Group Director but shall operate as the Education Director until such a time as the title may be updated accordingly to avoid confusion of the role’s duties.
This position only pertains to Whitby Courthouse Theatre Education Programs and not the Whitby Courthouse Theatre Young Performers production. However, holding this role does not preclude an individual from applying for a production role in any production. The Education Director is expected to have a well-rounded knowledge of theatre, enjoy mentoring and tailoring programs to kids and teens, and have excellent communication and organization skills.
Education Programs
- Coordinate and operate the 10-week WCT Kids and WCT Teens education programs in accordance with Education Programs Policy from October to December.
- Source professionals for the seven workshops.
- Coordinate with the Privacy Officer to have a Vulnerable Sector Check performed.
- Report regularly to the Board on the status of all education programs and initiatives.
- Work with the Treasurer on program budgeting and payment to professional workshop leaders.
- Attend all workshops, or arrange with a Board Member to attend in their absence.
Future Development and Expansion
- Investigate and develop expanded education program proposals (such as summer programming and all-ages workshops to meet the needs of skill shortages) and present it to the Board of Directors for consideration on expansion of this role.
- Investigate and develop opportunities to integrate programming with professional theatres and development programming, of other community-based theatre education programs to advance Whitby Courthouse Theatre’s education initiatives within the broader community, and find ways in which collaboration can lead to strengthened education for those of all-ages within Durham, and surrounding regions.