The By-Laws govern Whitby Courthouse Theatre and supersede all Policies.
Defines how Whitby Courthouse Theatre works to create an accessible and inclusive space regardless of ability and comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Defines types of harassment and establishes procedures for filing complaints, and details a response framework.
Details the responsibilities we have as a tenant of the Centennial Building, ensures the security of our assets, and includes key replacement costs.
Establishes principles on which all people are expected to conduct themselves to create a safe and respectful space.
Details the eligibility for complimentary tickets.
Explains the legalities of reproduction, or video capture, of productions.
Outlines Whitby Courthouse Theatre expectations with regards to COVID-19 safety.
Outlines the guiding principles and operations of Whitby Courthouse Theatre's educaitonal offerings.
Describes all aspects of finances, including, but not limited to, cash handling, purchasing, budgeting, and current fees.
Details the processes by which we keep programs accessible to individuals of all socioeconomic statuses, and those enduring hardship.
Identifies the health and safety responsibilities of each individual to promote a safe environment.
Dtails who in our volunteer organization could receive an honorarium for specific positions related to a production or program.
Outlines expectaiations with regard to internet access and network use.
Identifies the designated spokespersons for the theatre.
Geared toward new Board members and Coordinators to introduce them to Whitby Courthouse Theatre’s operations.
Details responsibilities for production and program photography.
Describes the steps taken to ensure the safe handling of personal information.
Details the only options for ticket refunds and exchanges for patrons.
Applies to the rental or loan of costumes, properties, or workshop items, it does not apply to technical rentals.
Details how Whitby Courthouse Theatre formally recognizes certain volunteers.
Establishes expectations for reasonable behaviour as it relates to the use of substances.
Describes the process for those requiring reimbursement due to excessive travel to carry out Whitby Courthouse Theatre business.
Details the agreement between Whitby Courthouse Theatre and the Town of Whitby.
Ensures the safeguarding of vulnerable persons and details individuals who require vulnerable sector checks.