Vulnerable Sector Checks
ID: | V01-19.0 |
Type: | Operational |
Created: | 2019-10-23 |
Revised: | n/a |
This policy aims to ensure the safeguarding of vulnerable persons, and compliance with relevant provincial statues regarding individuals who deal with children or vulnerable adults as part of their ongoing responsibilities.
This policy applies to all members, volunteers, employees, or affiliates of Whitby Courthouse Theatre.
Vulnerable persons are defined as:
- under the age of 18; or
- in a position of dependency on others; or
- at greater risk than the general population of being harmed by a person in a position of power.
Any individual volunteering, or working, for Whitby Courthouse Theatre who in their line of duty is required to be in a position of authority over vulnerable persons, and for whom Whitby Courthouse Theatre does not have a valid unexpired Vulnerable Sector Check Report on file must attain a Vulnerable Sector Check before commencing duties. Employment confirmations, or Vulnerable Sector Checks received for other organizations are not acceptable.
Individuals who may be required to receive Vulnerable Sector Checks may include, but is not limited to, production staff of productions that have cast or crew members that are considered to be vulnerable persons, the Youth Group Director, and Front of House Director.
Before an individual starts their duties, they shall contact the Privacy Officer to request a Letter of Request for a Vulnerable Sector Check.
It is the responsibility of the individual to present themselves to a Police Station with the letter and request a Vulnerable Sector Check and pay the Volunteer Vulnerable Sector Check fee (which will be reimbursed by Whitby Courthouse Theatre).
The original report issued by the Police must be returned to the Privacy Officer and will remain on file until the validity date expires. Failure to attain a clear Vulnerable Sector Check will result in removal from the position that requires the induvial to work with vulnerable persons.