Marketing and Promotion Director Duties
ID: | M02-21.0 |
Type: | Governance |
Created: | 2011-02-01 |
Revised: | 2021-04-20 |
- Plan and oversee a media strategy.
- Participate, alongside the Information Technology Coordinator, in creating social media and eBlasts campaigns.
- Be the contact for all requests for information from the media.
- Liaise with community group and the President on public events
- Along with the President, act as the spokespersons of the theatre.
- Maintain active social media across various platforms.
- Promote upcoming productions, auditions, events, and any other requirements.
- Distribute posters as seen fit, including to the production team and cast of each show.
- Work with Producers regarding any special promotional requests from the production.
- Forward archive materials, including posters, to the Office Coordinator.