Theatre Lease and Scheduling

ID:      T01-19.0
Type:      Operational
Created:      2013-08-29
Revised:      2019-02-11


Whitby Courthouse Theatre is a tenant of the Town of Whitby. Through a Lease Agreement, Whitby Courthouse Theatre is granted permits for the theatre and other rehearsal spaces. Through the addendum, Whitby Courthouse Theatre is given exclusive rights to: the office, workshop, green room, props room, wardrobe, tech room, and the lighting booth. This Lease Agreement is negotiated with the Town of Whitby by the president, on a yearly basis.

Permit Scheduling

Whitby Courthouse Theatre must provide the Town of Whitby a calendar of rehearsal schedules, production move-in/strike dates, youth group requirements and other group activities (eg. AGM), at least one year in advance of the current production season.

To mitigate any scheduling conflicts with the Town of Whitby, Whitby Courthouse Theatre is to provide two years of anticipated production dates to the Town of Whitby annually by March 31.